Monday, September 30, 2019

Volume up!

Volume up! So damn cute!!

Dad!! Dad! Look

Dad!! Dad! Look So damn cute!!

My son's favorite superhero is Wonder Woman (I don't know why, were strictly a Marvel family) and he wanted to be her for Halloween. So we got his costume today so we could make some changes to it before the 31st! Safe to say, he's stoked.

My son's favorite superhero is Wonder Woman (I don't know why, were strictly a Marvel family) and he wanted to be her for Halloween. So we got his costume today so we could make some changes to it before the 31st! Safe to say, he's stoked. So damn cute!!

This is my favorite picture of my baby, Justice, who crossed the rainbow bridge today. It's never easy saying goodbye, but he's always gonna be my good boi ❤️🌈 via /r/dogpictures

Maybe she’s born with it.... maybe it’s Maybelline.

Maybe she’s born with it.... maybe it’s Maybelline. So damn cute!!

Our girl Nebula 🖤

Our girl Nebula 🖤 So damn cute!!

My Mom Took this Picture of Our Dog

My Mom Took this Picture of Our Dog So damn cute!!

It’s Bath Time!

It’s Bath Time! So damn cute!!

This is Honey. She goes mad when we play fetch! via /r/dogpictures

Our neighbors offered us one of their newborn pups as a wedding gift! He’s 75% Great Pyrenees and 25% Anatolian Shepherd. Meet Bo!

Our neighbors offered us one of their newborn pups as a wedding gift! He’s 75% Great Pyrenees and 25% Anatolian Shepherd. Meet Bo! So damn cute!!

I have to say goodbye to my best friend soon. Meet Mule. He has been my shadow for the last 18 years. via /r/dogpictures

This cake

This cake So damn cute!!

I can’t get enough of this preciousness

I can’t get enough of this preciousness So damn cute!!

My cat just saw a bird and I found the picture hilarious

My cat just saw a bird and I found the picture hilarious So damn cute!!

Just started my new job as a puppy care tech this week. Still can't believe I get paid to take care of puppies as sweet as this little guy! via /r/dogpictures

Young orangutans at rehab center are taught with toy cobra to be cautious around snakes

Young orangutans at rehab center are taught with toy cobra to be cautious around snakes So damn cute!!

After I made her sit still and not lick me so I could take a picture via /r/dogpictures

Recently took a stray in. My dog has never gotten along with cats...

Recently took a stray in. My dog has never gotten along with cats... So damn cute!!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

This sweet girl went from being trapped under a car. To having a great home. She's been through a lot in the last 24 hours.

This sweet girl went from being trapped under a car. To having a great home. She's been through a lot in the last 24 hours. So damn cute!!

Watching a friends cat, there's a thunderstorm outside. I've been like this for a hour.

Watching a friends cat, there's a thunderstorm outside. I've been like this for a hour. So damn cute!!

Meet Fuggsy via /r/dogpictures

My favor pic of Fin so far this year. via /r/dogpictures

Two hours after bringing her home and they’re already best buds

Two hours after bringing her home and they’re already best buds So damn cute!!

Time flies

Time flies So damn cute!!

Sisters. A coworker fosters cats. He's keeping this pair.

Sisters. A coworker fosters cats. He's keeping this pair. So damn cute!!

There was a storm via /r/dogpictures

Missing you extra tonight phatty via /r/dogpictures

My happy girl after a long day of hiking. via /r/dogpictures

Not often I get a picture with both of my pups! You’d never guess it, but they’re siblings! via /r/dogpictures

My boy turned 15 today. 🎂🥰

My boy turned 15 today. 🎂🥰 So damn cute!!

this little guy snuck under my sheets and peeked at me looking like this almost broke me

this little guy snuck under my sheets and peeked at me looking like this almost broke me So damn cute!!

Playing with a new lens via /r/dogpictures

This is Gus. He's a fan of leaves. via /r/dogpictures

I took this photo of a mouse in my backyard and thought this would fit in here

I took this photo of a mouse in my backyard and thought this would fit in here So damn cute!!

It’s my puppy’s first fall. She’s a fan of the falling leaves.

It’s my puppy’s first fall. She’s a fan of the falling leaves. So damn cute!!

Woke up this morning and saw my 13 yrs old helping his 8 yrs old sister to prepare her for the upcoming history exam. One of my proudest moment as a dad .

Woke up this morning and saw my 13 yrs old helping his 8 yrs old sister to prepare her for the upcoming history exam. One of my proudest moment as a dad . So damn cute!!

His name is Garet, a dog I met while on vacation. He likes to keep his leash in his mouth. via /r/dogpictures

Such talented much wow :)

Such talented much wow :) So damn cute!!

Waking up to this little princess melts my heart every morning

Waking up to this little princess melts my heart every morning So damn cute!!

Unveil her and realise you're luckiest man alive

Unveil her and realise you're luckiest man alive So damn cute!!

Dog hugs sad dog

Dog hugs sad dog So damn cute!!

My good boy with his pack on before hiking his first 14er today via /r/dogpictures

This was a long time ago. via /r/dogpictures

This is a nice place to relax

This is a nice place to relax So damn cute!!

Baby sees his mom clearly for the first time

Baby sees his mom clearly for the first time So damn cute!!

Doggo got a haircut today! via /r/dogpictures