Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ocelot scratches!

Ocelot scratches! So damn cute!!

Dante's owner writes: Dante loves sitting out on the porch. One morning, we brought his bed out with us so he'd be more comfortable. Ever since then, he does it on his own. Every. Single. Time.

Dante's owner writes: Dante loves sitting out on the porch. One morning, we brought his bed out with us so he'd be more comfortable. Ever since then, he does it on his own. Every. Single. Time. So damn cute!!

This is Tbone and he's my best bud, isnt he handsome? via /r/dogpictures

Super Shih Tzu! via /r/dogpictures

Reunited after 1 week of being adopted, you never forget the siblings you get dumped in the woods with! Sisters/BFF forever! And because our humans are family we get to see each other FOREVER!!

Reunited after 1 week of being adopted, you never forget the siblings you get dumped in the woods with! Sisters/BFF forever! And because our humans are family we get to see each other FOREVER!! So damn cute!!

Sleep Licking

Sleep Licking So damn cute!!

Harvey dog! Modeling at the local bar. via /r/dogpictures

Just before sunset, Lucy plays explorer dog in the neighborhood weeds again. She seems pretty proud of herself. via /r/dogpictures

A month ago, my best friend in the whole world passed unexpectedly, and today I got her paw print tattooed. Forever in my heart, and forever on my arm ♥️ Miss her every day. via /r/dogpictures

6 years of friendship

6 years of friendship So damn cute!!

This cat loves the vacuum until it sucks onto his chin

This cat loves the vacuum until it sucks onto his chin So damn cute!!

The smallest roar

The smallest roar So damn cute!!

Asparagus fence is no match for brave pupper

Asparagus fence is no match for brave pupper So damn cute!!

Adopted my first dog today! via /r/dogpictures

Grown into such a beauty ❤️

Grown into such a beauty ❤️ So damn cute!!

My handsome best friend who had to go to heaven a few weeks ago. Want you all to see what a good tired old man he was. This is Jake enjoying the grass one more time. Hope you all enjoy via /r/dogpictures

My beautiful rotterman. We are stuck together like glue. Hasn't left me side for more than 10 minutes since I had her haha 😍😍 via /r/dogpictures

This is Reggie. His little wig has never been cut ever since he was a lil pupper. He always wants you to come play with him via /r/dogpictures

This little dude is a champion who agrees?

This little dude is a champion who agrees? So damn cute!!

Kingston gets worried after his haircut that his bum looks a bit big; we tell him he’s beautiful. via /r/dogpictures

Do not panic human. I am little, but I am mighty at avalanche rescue (training)!

Do not panic human. I am little, but I am mighty at avalanche rescue (training)! So damn cute!!

My boy Taco. Rip little buddy. via /r/dogpictures

Mama parrot posing with her newborn

Mama parrot posing with her newborn So damn cute!!

After coming home from a business trip

After coming home from a business trip So damn cute!!

This is Todd, Todd sleeps in our garage every night (sits at the back door till we let him in) and goes in our pond every morning. He may not be cuddly and fluffy but he’s our Todd and we love him.

This is Todd, Todd sleeps in our garage every night (sits at the back door till we let him in) and goes in our pond every morning. He may not be cuddly and fluffy but he’s our Todd and we love him. So damn cute!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Blue loves when I come home from work! via /r/dogpictures

Today was my sweet Sebastian’s last day. This has been so much harder than I ever imagined and I just want more people to see what a good boy he was. via /r/dogpictures

Out of nowhere this adorable baby jumped into my car. His owner finally showed up to fetch him and said his name is Opie.

Out of nowhere this adorable baby jumped into my car. His owner finally showed up to fetch him and said his name is Opie. So damn cute!!

This is my dog Atticus, a malamute and chow chow mix that is pride and joy of my life. via /r/dogpictures

Our cat really loves the smell of Brussels sprouts...

Our cat really loves the smell of Brussels sprouts... So damn cute!!

This is Beatrix Kiddo. She was diagnosed with IMHA at age two, had two blood transfusions, spent a year on steroids and now, 5 years later, she’s healthy and loving life! She really is the toughest bitch I’ve ever met. via /r/dogpictures

So proud and happy after digging her first hole! via /r/dogpictures

Smallest piglet bouncing through the grass

Smallest piglet bouncing through the grass So damn cute!!

Our sweet Lucy got put down today. This is one of the last pictures I took of her. She was about 15 years old and spent 13 years with our family. I miss her. Hug your dogs extra tight for me today. via /r/dogpictures

This is Willow. She’s 17, still going on strong.

This is Willow. She’s 17, still going on strong. So damn cute!!

He’s a good boi (but my leg is falling asleep...) via /r/dogpictures

Sam is ... just a vet's guess .... a Basenji / Beagle mix. about one year old. He's from a hoarder household with 10 + dogs and 20 + cats. He's safe now and doing great! I don't think Sam's ever had his own person before! He does now. via /r/dogpictures

In honour of his 7th gotcha day, here's the coolest, best old man I know. via /r/dogpictures

trying to get attention via /r/dogpictures

Mother Parrot posing with her newly hatched baby bird

Mother Parrot posing with her newly hatched baby bird So damn cute!!

Seesaw installed at US-Mexico border to allow children to play together

Seesaw installed at US-Mexico border to allow children to play together So damn cute!!

Doggo via /r/dogpictures


Astronaut! So damn cute!!

I lost my dog ​​yesterday. it's a sad thing😔😔 via /r/dogpictures

Person scrolling, I hope you have a wonderful day !

Person scrolling, I hope you have a wonderful day ! So damn cute!!

This little lady was out Airbnb host

This little lady was out Airbnb host So damn cute!!

So majestic and cute at the same time

So majestic and cute at the same time So damn cute!!