So apparently yesterday someone posted a photo of me and made it to front page? Here's the real me with the real Ruby (3 months older than yesterday's puppy pic) So damn cute!!
After nearly 63 years of marriage, my parents still look at each other this way. My Mom has Alzheimer's. My Dad is her caregiver. She doesn't always know who he is, but he makes her feel safe and loved. So damn cute!!
Been begging the wife to let us get a puppy to grow up with our 5 month old daughter she has been completely against it until today.. everyone say hello to Presley our new 8 week old English golden retriever So damn cute!!
My girlfriend thinks that our dog Finn didn't get the recognition he deserves on reddit, so she made me post again. Reddit, this is Finn! 3 pounds of hell on paws. So damn cute!!
We recently moved and while cleaning, noticed hundreds of this good girl's nose prints on the bottom of my daughter's door. She checks on her over and over while she is asleep. So damn cute!!