This is Johnny. He's quite the pretty boy. So damn cute!!
Thursday, March 31, 2016
I am so happy to see you! via /r/dogpictures
ATTENTION: all posts must be direct image links. That means it must and in an image extension such as .jpeg
If you do not post a direct image link your post will be automatically removed. Please follow this rule as we get 20 messages a day about why their photo was taken down. We do this to cut down on spam which we have been getting a lot of. Thanks a lot happy dogging to you all via /r/dogpictures
Just rescued this lil' guy today from Death Astro! via /r/dogpictures
My service dog is trained to respond to anxiety. One of the ways he responds is by making you hold his paw.
My service dog is trained to respond to anxiety. One of the ways he responds is by making you hold his paw. So damn cute!!
A little old lady on my street celebrates the change of the season a little differently. It really makes my day walking by every morning.
A little old lady on my street celebrates the change of the season a little differently. It really makes my day walking by every morning. So damn cute!!
Even when she couldn't walk anymore, she never missed a walk. via /r/dogpictures
A cat eating cabbage

A cat eating cabbage So damn cute!!
Sable the shoulder kitten!
Sable the shoulder kitten! So damn cute!!
The worst part about leaving to go to work via /r/dogpictures
Cat loves gazing at the sky when on the road

Cat loves gazing at the sky when on the road So damn cute!!
Fawn and Bobcat were found cuddled under a desk after a forest fire.
Fawn and Bobcat were found cuddled under a desk after a forest fire. So damn cute!!
Posted my dork in some comments and people took a liking to him, so figured I'd share.
Posted my dork in some comments and people took a liking to him, so figured I'd share. So damn cute!!
I took my dog to work and she was ready to get started
I took my dog to work and she was ready to get started So damn cute!!
Fashion. via /r/dogpictures
My pup Chester! via /r/dogpictures
baby boy via /r/dogpictures
Crime scene clean up company dog rescue. via /r/dogpictures
German Shepherd Cute Puppy via /r/dogpictures
My little buddy is 12 years old today!
My little buddy is 12 years old today! So damn cute!!
Our new puppy isn't exactly photogenic.
Our new puppy isn't exactly photogenic. So damn cute!!
They must feed their dogs broccoli. via /r/dogpictures
"Wait... who is this guy?!"

"Wait... who is this guy?!" So damn cute!!
Fred is too fabulous for you! via /r/dogpictures
I think I broke my dog. via /r/dogpictures
My first cat (forever baby boy) all grown up. Proud Mom. ^_^
My first cat (forever baby boy) all grown up. Proud Mom. ^_^ So damn cute!!
"No, how did you find me!"
"No, how did you find me!" So damn cute!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
"I'm not sleepy...I'm not..."

"I'm not sleepy...I'm not..." So damn cute!!
Got a precious new foster! Meet Frankie. :) via /r/dogpictures
Rosie's owner was inside a shop for about two minutes, so she hugged my friend for support.
Rosie's owner was inside a shop for about two minutes, so she hugged my friend for support. So damn cute!!
These guys can look very majestic at times. via /r/dogpictures
Her ears are rarely in sync.
Her ears are rarely in sync. So damn cute!!
Utah Law School had "Guide Dog Day" where students could come and meet guide dogs in training. It was hard to get to class on time. via /r/dogpictures
"What is this hard water?!"

"What is this hard water?!" So damn cute!!
This sweet girl is 17 today!
This sweet girl is 17 today! So damn cute!!
Adoption papers went through!! Meet Alice :) via /r/dogpictures
Eliza, my Pomchi Terrier yawning! via /r/dogpictures
I have always been more of a dog guy...but I found this little girl under my truck hiding from the rain. She has adjusted nicely.
I have always been more of a dog guy...but I found this little girl under my truck hiding from the rain. She has adjusted nicely. So damn cute!!
I've had her almost one year. Don't know her past. She started smiling a few weeks ago. Here she is coming home from the beauty salon. via /r/dogpictures
Meet Kiddy, 12 Years A Marine On A Plane Retiring!
Meet Kiddy, 12 Years A Marine On A Plane Retiring! So damn cute!!
Chillin' with his peep.
Chillin' with his peep. So damn cute!!
People keep saying he will grow in to them...
People keep saying he will grow in to them... So damn cute!!
Strike a pose! via /r/dogpictures
I came home to my dog after 4 months away
I came home to my dog after 4 months away So damn cute!!
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